Recently, in response to Hainan Province’s Department of Justice and in support of the Hainan Free Trade Port, our Partners Mr. Stanley Chan and Ms. Crystal Chan signed a cooperation agreement with Hainan Waijing Law Firm (‘Waijing Firm’) and were appointed as Waijing Firm’s consultants in the capacity of Hong Kong lawyers.

In the afternoon of 10 April, our two partners visited Waijing Firm before performing their pro bono legal service for the China International Consumer Products Expo. They were warmly greeted by Waijing Firm’s TONG Yongbin (Party Secretary), WU Jun (Senior Partner and Director) and other VIPs.

During the meeting, Director WU expressed that strengthening legal cooperation between Hong Kong and Hainan is one of the most important strategies planned by Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Hainan Provincial Government which hold high regards for the cooperation between the two places. Hong Kong lawyers being consultants for a Hainan law firm is unprecedented in Hainanese legal history therefore we shall thrive in arms with such great opportunities.

Additionally, lawyers from Hong Kong and Hainan have also enthusiastically discussed international arbitrations, cross-border litigations talent developments and legal cooperations between the two places under the background of the Free Trade Port’s policy of attracting investments.

In the morning of 11 April, the Third China International Consumer Products Expo (‘Expo’) official commenced. Under the leadership of Hainanese Department of Justice, the Expo has its first ever on-the-site legal service provided by Hong Kong lawyers. Our two Partners actively responded to their appointed tasks and duly performed their duties as members of the Expo’s legal service team.

During the Expo, our two Partners visited the participating businesses and promoted legal knowledge regarding international trades, intellectual properties, maritime laws, Hong Kong laws and foreign laws in hope of clearing doubts in laws of and providing tailored legal service to the participating businesses and purchasers.

The Party Secretary and Head of Hainanese Department of Justice WANG Lei inspected the progress of the Expo’s legal service team in person and discussed relevant affairs with Mr. Stanley Chan.

The Head of Lawyers’ Work Bureau of the Hainanese Department of Justice TONG Cheng praised the work of our two Partners regarding their legal service to the Expo and to the solving of issue concerning cross-border legal service ability.
