On 10th August 2024, upon the invitation from Wong Tai Sin San Po Kong Care Teams and Lawyers HK, our Partner Mr. Stanley Chan and Associate Ms. Isabel Yeung delivered a seminar on Wills, Enduring Power of Attorney and Advance Directives to the residents at Kowloon Wall City Community Hall.

2024年8月1日,珠海市涉外法治人才培訓中心、橫琴國際商事調解人才培訓基地、橫琴國際爭議解決與風險管理人才培訓基地啟動儀式暨“法先鋒”粵澳法治講壇第二十三講、橫琴國際爭議解決與風險管理人才培訓基地認可專業商事調解員首期培訓在橫琴粵澳深度合作區舉行。主要出席嘉賓有:廣東省司法廳副廳長林楚明、珠海市政府副秘書長黃芸、澳門法務局局長梁穎妍、香港律政司副司長張國鈞等。 當天,粵港澳三地有關領導嘉賓共同見證“一中心兩基地”啟動儀式,並為橫琴首期認可專業商事調解員培訓班學員頒發培訓證書,為“一中心兩基地”組織成員和涉外中心專家團成員頒發聘書。期間,廣東省司法廳副廳長林楚明為陳律師頒發聘書。 下一步,“一中心兩基地”將正式揚帆起航,發揮“一國兩制三法域”前沿陣地的獨特優勢,深化粵港澳法治交流合作,組建高水平師資隊伍,科學系統設置培訓體系,創新聯合培養模式,努力打造成為涉外法治人才與國際商事調解人才培養的搖籃,為廣東省涉外法治人才培養提供示範樣本。

  Brief Introduction to the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Ordinance With the passing of the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill, the legal framework for child protection in Hong Kong has become more substantive. The Bill will come into enforcement 18 months after its gazettal. One of the highlights is that the statute has…