Inheritance in Hong Kong and the Mainland Inheritance procedures and issues have always been a subject of interest to Hong Kong residents. Due to the increasingly strong ties between the Mainland and Hong Kong, it has become more and more common for Hong Kong residents to acquire real properties and retain chattels in the Mainland….

On 17 April 2023, our partner Mr. Tse Hing Ming delivered a legal talk on Hong Kong National Security Law to an audience of around 100 comprising school teachers and students of Holy Family School in Peng Chau and representatives of several non-profit organisations.

Recently, in response to Hainan Province’s Department of Justice and in support of the Hainan Free Trade Port, our Partners Mr. Stanley Chan and Ms. Crystal Chan signed a cooperation agreement with Hainan Waijing Law Firm (‘Waijing Firm’) and were appointed as Waijing Firm’s consultants in the capacity of Hong Kong lawyers. In the afternoon…