On 30th October 2020, our Mr. Szeto Wai Sun and Mr. Stanley Chan Wing Leung attended the Global Forum on Law Firm Management- Future of the Legal Practice, hosted by the Swiss Chinese Law Association. The online forum started at 13:00 CET Time / 20:00 Beijing Time/ 8:00 am New York Time with dozens of global…

Introduction   Commonly, as soon as a married couple decides that their marriage will no longer work, they will file for divorce. In some rare cases, however, a married person may choose to separate indefinitely or simply disappear. This results in a “missing spouse” situation. While the remaining spouse may still file for divorce under…

Our partners, Mr. Szeto Wai Sun, Mr. Stanley Chan and our consultant Mr. Franky Fung attended a three-day Eurolegal Annual Conference on 7th, 8th and 11th of December 2020. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the face to face conference in Mechelen, Belgium was cancelled and was held virtually instead.   Our Mr. Szeto speaks in…

Upon invitation by AIA Group, our Senior Associate, Mr. Andy Tse delivered a legal talk on “Divorce, Wills and Probate” on 8 October 2020. There are over 80 attendees, including those attending via the internet.