28 January 2019 We have been with the Credit Union Movement for over a decade. A reunion with its leaders & senior members to welcome the Lunar New Year brings back a lot of fond memories and foretells a great year ahead. The credit union establishes the Hong Kong CU Movement Charity Fund Limited, which…

Organized by the Law Society of Hong Kong, on 3 January 2019, our partners Mr. Stanley Chan and Mr. Franky Fung hosted a sharing conference with high school students in Hong Kong. During the conference, Mr. Chan and Mr. Fung shared their experience of being a legal profession, as well as their views as to…

Our partner, Mr. Stanley Chan attended the Law Society’s Pro Bono and Community Service Award Presentation Ceremony held on 12 December 2018. In recognition of his performance of pro bono and community work of not less than 50 hours from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018, Stanley Chan was honored with the Pro Bono…