2017年5月21日,本行合伙人陳永良律師於海怡社區會堂為地區長者提供法律講座,題為「平安紙和持久授權書的安排」。是次講座由陳家珮議員辦事處主辦。 [

2017年5月21日,本行合伙人陳永良律師於海怡社區會堂為地區長者提供法律講座,題為「平安紙和持久授權書的安排」。是次講座由陳家珮議員辦事處主辦。 [

Our partners attended the international Conference, “The Belt and Road: A Catalyst for Connectivity, Convergence and Collaboration” organized by the Law Society of Hong Kong on 12 May 2017 and met lawyers from Guangxi province of China.  

Our partners attended the international Conference, “The Belt and Road: A Catalyst for Connectivity, Convergence and Collaboration” organized by the Law Society of Hong Kong on 12 May 2017 and met lawyers from Guangxi province of China.  

Our partner Stanley Chan attended the Eurolegal Annual Conference of 2017 held in Mallorca, Spain April, this year. One of the topic discussed in the Eurolegal AGM this year.  

Our partner Stanley Chan attended the Eurolegal Annual Conference of 2017 held in Mallorca, Spain April, this year. One of the topic discussed in the Eurolegal AGM this year.